UPDATE: We’ve released a fix for this issue which should be reflected in your ranking data tomorrow morning. Thank you for your patience! NEW ISSUE: Hi there, Over the last few days, you may have noticed a drop in your Yahoo/Bing rankings as reported by STAT. This is the result of us receiving bad data […]
New Feature: Tag-level dashboards!
Hey everyone, Today we’ve released the next round of updates in our interface changes: Tag-level dashboards. We’ve taken the site-level dashboard that you’re used to seeing, and we’ve it available for individual tags. So, when you click on a tag, you’ll immediately see the new tag-level dashboard which contains some high level performance details for […]
Site-wide Ranking Distribution Graphs
Hey there! I’m excited to tell you all about the new Site-wide Ranking Distribution graphs we just published! When you open up one of your sites in STAT, you will now notice a new tab next to the Keywords and Dashboard tabs. These Site-wide Ranking Distribution graphs are just like the ones we already publish […]
Interface redesign released!
[UPDATE Jul 20th, 2013: The interface update has now been released! Please let us know if you encounter any bugs or other issues] Hi all, I’m excited to let you know that tomorrow we’ll be releasing some foundational interface updates which set the stage for more great updates to come. All of the interface updates […]
The Penguin Has Landed
Hey there, As you may have noticed, the latest Penguin update has arrived. We’ve written a brief blog post analyzing the preliminary impact of this update. You can read about it here: http://getstat.com/blog/the-penguin-has-landed/ When you open up your sites, I recommend you take a look at the number of Ranking Keywords in the Site Overview […]