UPDATED: DEC 12, 9:00 AM (PST)
We are pleased to report this issue is fully resolved – thank you for your patience!
As of this morning, all of your ranking data and graphs are back to normal and will appear complete and accurate. If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
The STAT Team
UPDATED: DEC 11, 12:00 PM (PST)
You may still see fluctuations in your keyword rankings as our development team completes their tracking fix.
To avoid unnatural dips in your ranking graphs, we have mirrored the graph data from December 9 over to December 10. Simply put, your ranking graphs do not reflect the false data seen in the keywords table on December 10.
We’ll continue to keep you posted as the implementation unfolds.
NEW ISSUE: DEC 10, 6:00 PM (PST)
After a change on Google’s end, we’re seeing a temporary interruption in STAT’s ability to return data on search results outside of the top ten.
This means that any keyword ranking worse than ten will be shown in STAT as non-ranking. (You’ll see this as a blank or as a custom value, depending on your settings for non-ranking keywords.)
As a result, you will probably notice significant fluctuations in your rankings today. Rest assured that your actual rankings have not been affected; it is merely a tracking hiccup.
At this very moment, our development team is busy crunching code and energy bars to get their solution up and running, which they estimate will be later this evening. Depending on what time tonight they can make it happen, some rankings may still falsely show as non-ranking on Friday, December 11.
We’ll keep you posted on our team’s progress as soon as we have news.
The STAT Team