This release we’ve got two great features in beta and a new report coming down the pipe. In beta A new tab for all your tag-related needs Desperate to know your best and worst-performing tags? Keen to compare all their metrics side-by-side? If your answer is yes to both and you signed up to be […]
See every last featured snippet on a SERP
As work on our Tags tab proceeds apace, we’ve also started parsing instances of multiple featured snippets on a single SERP. In other words, don’t worry if you’re suddenly seeing double — all is right with your eyes and STAT. Tracking update Multiple featured snippets on a SERP are ranking in STAT At the beginning […]
A geo-location tweak, local pack prep, apostrophe fix, and hover bubble bonanza
This release, we went under the bonnet to soup up our geo-location, began work on our upcoming local pack report, and took care of a special character. We also blew (hover) bubbles all over the soon-to-be Tags tab. Tracking updates Geo-location process gets a pick-me-up Since roughly one in five Google searches relate to location, […]
Parsing fixes and soon-to-be tag sorting
Not even a Google code change could keep us from unleashing Quickviews on our upcoming, new-and-improved Tags tab. Tracking update Parsing issues resolved after Google’s code change As you may recall, Google rolled out an update that altered how results display (code-wise) on the SERP, which temporarily bamboozled our parser. So, we got to work […]
De-bugging untagged keyword views, and quicker Competitive Landscape loading
As work on our upcoming Tags tab continues, we’ve also fixed a few bugs in the Dashboard and Competitive Landscape tabs. Bug fixes No more duplicate Daily Snapshot headers when looking at untagged keywords If you had two sites open and wanted to check on either of their untagged keywords, this now-squashed bug had you […]