Today we’re releasing a special new report type and two helpful API tweaks. 1. New report: Measure how well your tags are doing We created a brand new report to help you see the big picture that your keywords paint. The Tag report: Ranking trends over time shows trends in average tag performance, giving you […]
A new report, instant backfills, and one mighty arrow
We’ve got two new features and one much needed usability enhancement to help make your time in STAT that much better. New report: Spot trends in ranking performance Curious what your top-ranking keyword is from month to month? How about which keywords are gaining or losing ground each week? Want to see all of this […]
New feature: Three new reports for fast, easy-to-compare metrics
Snaps to our hard-working development team. In addition to pushing out the share of voice feature last month, they were busy creating three brand spankin’ new report types that provide STAT clients with fast, easy-to-compare metrics. You can now snag a ton of data — previously accessible only through the API — in a simple […]
New feature: Share of voice metrics for deep competitive insight
We’re very happy to announce a big new feature that we’ve been quietly working away on for a while now. Share of voice is a much-requested and super insightful metric that gives you new depths of insight into your true SERP competition. Get the full story on the STAT blog. Once you’ve been introduced, go […]
Nearly 300 new markets added
This month we finalized the addition of nearly 300 new markets that you can track in STAT, covering everything from Albanian in Albania to Zulu in Zimbabwe. All of these were requested by new clients looking to expand their local SERP tracking in Google, Yahoo, and Bing. When you add keywords manually, you can easily select […]